Green Schools

Welcome to our Green Schools

Congratulations to our Green Schools Team and Mrs Wilson on achieving a 6th Green Flag for Scoil Mhuire. The pupils have been busy working on the theme of Global Citizenship: Litter and Waste over the past two years. They have implemented several ideas and methods of reducing the amount of waste generated by the school and in turn our local community. They have been involved in Litter Picking/Spring Cleaning in Creeslough. They have developed an awareness of habitats, sustainable living and climate change. They have been composting and looking at litter and waste in more global terms. Thanks to our Green Schools associate Aengus Kennedy for all his support with our work. He was impressed by the hard working Green Team in our school. The whole school community is looking forward to receiving our new award and flag.

Mrs Wilson, Jean Hunter, John Whoriskey , Green Schools Coordinator, SET Teacher, Community Representative, Caretaker

Coiste Glas

We are currently working on our 6th Green Flag: Global Citizenship: Litter & Waste

It is our aim to monitor and reduce waste around our school- litter, energy and water. We are also learning about our rights and responsibilities as Global Citizens and how we can positively influence and help people and their environments worldwide.

Introducing our Coiste Glas 2021-2022

Names Title/Class/Year Group

Lucas Gallagher

Junior Infants

Joey Stewart

Senior Infants

Millie Mc Elhinney

1st Class

Mikey Mc Gee

2nd Class

Tilly Roarty

3rd Class

Alfie Roarty

4th Class

Frankie Byrne

4th Class

Cian Mc Caul

5th Class

Aoibheann Mc Daid

6th Class