Christmas Nativity

Well done to our junior classes who performed their Christmas Nativity play in the church on Thursday 15th December. It was hugely enjoyable and the children were such stars. Well done to Mrs Murphy, Ms Mc Mullan and Mark for all their work putting the performance together.

Bronze Medals for our U9 boys in County Finals

Congratulations to our U9 boys’ team who were the 3rd team in the Cross Country County Finals in Buncrana in October. Well done boys on this achievement. We were delighted to welcome back All Ireland Champion, Caolán Mc Fadden, to our school to present the pupils with their county medals. We congratulate Caolán on his […]

Christmas crib making in Mulroy College for our 6th Class pupils.

Our 6th Class pupils had a lovely day on Monday 21st December in partnership with Mulroy College, Milford, making Christmas cribs. Thank you to Mr Docherty and Ms Temple for facilitating this and to the Transition Year students in Mulroy for assisting our pupils with their work.

Charity Tree gift bags for our pupils.

Thank you to Amanda Gibbons and Charity Tree in Clonmany for the thoughtful gifts bags for our pupils for Christmas. What a lovely surprise for our lucky pupils.

Alpacas visit Scoil Mhuire

Thank you so much to Wild Alpaca Way for their visit to our school recently. They were so generous with their time. Our pupils loved seeing and walking the alpacas around the yard. Thank you for this experience and for the gifts for the children.
